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Peak Flo Physio

Peak Flo physio is a holistic Women's Health service that understands the unique needs of women.


Specialising in: 



Pelvic Floor


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Georgia Reupert-Allen

Georgia Reupert-Allen is a Physiotherapist who is an expert in Womens Health and Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy based on the Gold Coast. Georgia has extensive knowledge and expertise in a wide range of womens health areas including pregnancy, postnatal, pelvic floor dysfunction, urinary and faecal incontinence and musculoskeletal conditions.


Georgia graduated with Distinction from Monash University with a Bachelor of Physiotherapy (Honours). Since then Georgia has done a number of post graduate courses allowing her to assess and treat conditions specific to the complexities of Womens Health. Georgia is also a qualified Fertility Awareness Educator and uses this skill to teach women to understand and use the menstrual cycle as a marker of health but also to avoid and/or achieve pregnancy.


She also uses this knowledge to ensure each of her clients are treated holistically, understanding that the unique differences in each persons hormonal profile means that everything from a rolled ankle to pelvic pain to changes in pelvic floor symptoms can be effected by their cycle.


Women are too often dismissed about their health concerns and Georgia is passionate about ensuring women have a safe space to discuss all concerns and is very diligent to ensure that each concern will be listened too, addressed and that treatment options will be made collaboratively. She aims to empower women to take control of their pelvic, menstrual and pelvic floor health with the goal being that every patient she sees knows their own anatomy, what is normal, what isn’t normal and all treatment options, allowing them to be personal advocates for their own health care.

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